
           Six impossible things before breakfast.

A library science student's perspective on life, the universe, and everything.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Paper Topics

The Sea Hawk (1924)

I really love classic movie stills. Each shot is so carefully set up, the lighting just so, characters looking either a little too human or like an exaggeration, a caricature of an actor. Connection to libraries? Well I found these two stills over at the Silent Film Still Archive, a pretty fun website to browse and one that I used in an annotated bibliography project for a library resources course. I tried to make the case that it could be used as a reference source; I don't know how convincing I was on that front, but at least I know I gave the instructors a fun website to look up!

One thing I've learned this semester is that working on projects or long papers is so much more enjoyable when you are working with a topic that you are truly interested in--but it might not always be your first inclination. So choose your subjects wisely! I've made some good choices in that regard this semester (like classic cinema), though some of them weren't topics I instinctively went towards at first. Probably my two favorite papers from this semester were the ones I wrote on budgets and medical records. Definitely not subjects I know much about or would think to find myself interested in. The key was that each contained some unusual or compelling aspect that made me genuinely excited to investigate, research, and ultimately write.

The Freshman (1925)

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