
           Six impossible things before breakfast.

A library science student's perspective on life, the universe, and everything.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Google antics

Had to throw this up here:
Google entertainment feature of the day: go to and type "do a barrel roll" into the search box. =)

Google has other fun tricks up their sleeve too. For example,
  • Try searching for "ascii art" and watch what happens to the Google logo.
  • If you search "tilt" the search results page will come back slightly tilted.
  • A query for "anagram" will ask you if you meant "nag a ram."
  • Did you know you can change the default language on Google? Did you know you can change the default language on Google to "Pirate," or "Bork, bork, bork," or "Klingon," or "Hacker?"
  • Finally, one of my personal favorites, google "the answer to life, the universe, and everything" and receive the ultimate answer to the ultimate question.

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